Thursday, June 20, 2013

10,000 - WOW!

The number 10,000 hits to this blog page, WOW!

I remember went I had no hits at all; I was sad.
But now it's very encouraging to see...almost 10,000 hits on my BlogSpot!
Tell a friend to visit...let's get to that number :)

I only wish that 10,000 books would sell. It's considerably hard to sell books, so I'm finding out.

If you're a student, parent, teacher, mother, or grandparent PLEASE help me!
How you ask?
Tell your boards of education, "Let's see about getting a new book into our schools curriculum." 
Mention that, Joseph and the Tamanawis Spirit, has Native American topics involved.
It could open some doors to the curious person; whom would like to know more about Indians.
Joseph and the Tamanawis Spirit, is fictional.
Although, it has plenty of truth about how we live here in Neah Bay, WA.

Look for the hardcover book, SOON!


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hardcover Books...NEXT!

Travis King a marketing rep at Tate's Publishing, CO. Helped me by DROPPING all cost on making final CORRECTIONS! Wow, thank you so much Travis. Having a great team at my side; it means the world to me. I'm happy that the corrections are made before the hardcover books come out. Barnes and Noble book stores and will sell the hardcover books too.

It's not a walk in the park...(or ocean) to write, publish, and market a book! But it is FUN :)