Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 coming soon.

Happy New Year’s Eve!
I’m planning to sit and watch a movie tonight after dinner. May you all have fun with your family and/or friends?
I went up to the Cape Flattery Trail tonight with my three (3) labs. If you see a white truck cruz’n by with three (3) big dogs that’s me. I love to drive that road: when I was a very serious praying person I would pray and ask God to watch over our community, up at the Cape. There is a scenic spot that overlooks the Pacific Ocean…IT’S so pretty there.
But please visit the Cape Flattery Trail if you come out to Neah Bay in 2012.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Frank's Owl

Snow Owl

Frank is Fawn's brother in the book. Frank discovers that he has a good Indian spirit and can change from the human form to a Snow Owl.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Click on "Old Posts" to read more.

Look at this picture...You can see GOD'S face
If you look at this photo upside will see God's Face.
 I need authorization but I have plans to dedicate this picture to someone. All throughout the creation of my book, I've had little signs telling me to go forward with the publication. This was only one....of the many signs.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Book Questionnaire

Today, I received an Email from the Publishing Co. It was a "Book Questionnaire" asking me to describe my book. The book is now undergoing the Conceptual Editing. Which means: He/she is an objective reader who will be both your toughest critic and your closest ally. 
So I was told by Rachael, who works for the publishing company.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Share with your loved ones....Laughter, Love, and Rejoicing!

First of all, I hope you all have our hearts and homes filled with love through the holidays. Family is so important throughout our lifetime or it should be. I have been surrounded by many family members. I have always esteemed the elders that are/were in my life. When a loved one dies in our family the burden weighs heavy upon our hearts. Personally I have felt that to many times throughout my lifetime. But I always recover with the help and love of those still here with me. So go out and be with your family...Laugh, Love One Another, and Rejoice TOGETHER.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Watch a Video

If you would like to view a video of Neah Bay, WA (some scenic pictures) go to YouTube and search for "Neah Bay-Book undergoing Publication". In the video you will see some natural scenery. It reveals some of the reasons why I fell in LOVE with Neah Bay, WA.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Reading Again.

Yesterday & today; I was having second thoughts, so I started to read the manuscript agian. It was fun to read my story. I did notice some mistakes and hope that the editor will notice them as well. It made me think - okay, YES... I do like this story & can't wait for others to read it too.